Monday, December 9, 2013

L.I.F.E. - "Learning to Integrate the Family into the Environment" This is a International project of GRUNDTVIG partnership supported by EU. Greece, Italy, Portugal, Romania and Turkey open the european doors to your parents"Bu proje T.C. Avrupa Birliği Bakanlığı, AB Eğitim ve Gençlik Programları Merkezi Başkanlığınca (Ulusal Ajans, yürütülen Gençlik Programı kapsamında ve Avrupa Komisyonu'ndan sağlanan hibeyle gerçekleştirilmiştir. Ancak burada yer alan görüşlerden Ulusal Ajans veya Avrupa Komisyonu sorumlu tutulamaz."!

"This project has been funded with support from the European Commission. This publication [communication] reflects the views only of the author, and the Commission cannot be held responsible for any use which may be made of the information contained therein."

"Bu proje T.C. Avrupa Birliği Bakanlığı, AB Eğitim ve Gençlik Programları Merkezi Başkanlığınca (Ulusal Ajans, yürütülen Gençlik Programı kapsamında ve Avrupa Komisyonu'ndan sağlanan hibeyle gerçekleştirilmiştir. Ancak burada yer alan görüşlerden Ulusal Ajans veya Avrupa Komisyonu sorumlu tutulamaz."

Friday, October 4, 2013

Handbook "Learn to Integrate the Familiy into Environment"

This Handbook/Guide is the Final product of LIFE project and the most important. It was developed and tested by all partnerns during the mobilities all together with parents and their sons.
This is a guide to help families to develop activities in the outdoors, inducing to helathy lifestyle and respect to the environment.
There are a version for each country but always with a common version in english language: it is a bilingual publication.

Project supported by EU

For to see the handbook, click here:

Monday, September 30, 2013

Presentation of the drawings created by parents to illustrate the handbook

Drawings produced by parents for the handbook. It include all drawings subject to a transnational contest among the participants in the project and about health style and environment.

Vídeo Compilation about Local Activities

A synthesis about all main activities developed in Portugal with parents, students, teachers and local community in general. It will be obvious the impact that surpassed our expectations.

trip to the seaside!

guided tour to carengione park!

pictures from italy

and some pictures of LIFE project in italy...
here is World Earth day...